File Templates
All files to be processed by Markaaz must be in one of the CSV formats outlined below.
Pre-Contract Batch Options
Entity Matching
This is the CSV file format for for a matching test. Please contact your account representative to support a one-time pre-contract matching test. All content must use Latin characters and all content must be wrapped in quotation marks as shown below when viewed as a text file. Files not meeting these formats can not be processed.
"Client Internal ID" is an optional but highly recommended field you may provide to allow better traceability back to your internal systems. If you choose to use the field, each value must be unique and not identify more than one entity.
Another optional field is any initial disposition you may have assigned to the business entity. Markaaz often matches businesses that competitors cannot. It's helpful to have those insights included in the matching results. For example, you may have dispositions such as, "Approved", "Declined", "Funded", or "Not Funded". The actual values in this field are based on your list of possible dispositions.
"Client Internal ID","Internal Disposition","DBA","Company Legal Name","Street Address","Locality","Region","Postal Code","Country Code","Phone No.","Website","Tax ID","National ID","Full Name"
Data Sample:
"123456789Z","Approved","Markaaz","Markaaz, Inc.","310 Comal St.","Austin","TX","78702","US","512-555-1212","","A1234","34-393839","Catherine Murchie"
Entity Matching with P2B
This is the CSV file format for for a matching test with single name matching. It's basically the same as the template above but with a full name at the end of each record. Please contact your account representative to support a one-time matching test. All content must use Latin characters and all content must be wrapped in quotation marks as shown below when viewed as a text file. Files not meeting these formats can not be processed.
"Client Internal ID","Internal Disposition","DBA","Company Legal Name","Street Address","Locality","Region","Postal Code","Country Code","Phone No.","Website","Tax ID","National ID","Full Name"
Data Sample:
"123456789Z","Approved","Markaaz","Markaaz, Inc.","310 Comal St.","Austin","TX","78702","US","512-555-1212","","A1234","34-393839","Catherine Murchie"
Ongoing Batch Operations
In addition to or in lieu of API services, Markaaz offers a batch process to serve company matching, business verification and enrichment, and monitoring. The Match service is required in addition to any other services contracted. Please contact your account representative to discuss ongoing batch processing.
Batch Input File: The Enterprise Partner shall provide Markaaz with an input file in a CSV format according to the following specifications:
Latin Characters Only: Markaaz does not perform language translations.
Data Format:
Optional Header: "Client Internal ID","Internal Disposition","DBA","Company Legal Name","Street Address","Locality","Region","Postal Code","Country Code","Phone No.","Website","Tax ID","National ID","Full Name" Data Sample: "123456789Z","Approved","Markaaz","Markaaz, Inc.","310 Comal St.","Austin","TX","78702","US","512-555-1212","","A1234","34-393839","Catherine Murchie"
Note: All data fields must be wrapped in quotation marks just as shown above when viewed with a text editor.
Required Fields: Of the fields listed above, Company Legal Name, Street Address, Locality, Region, Postal Code and Country Code are required fields. Country Code requires the 2-character designation (e.g. US, FR, DE).
Client Internal ID: This is the Enterprise Partner’s unique identifier for a business entity. This is typically used in customer back-office / CRM systems. This identifier is recommended especially if monitoring is enabled, but it is not required.
Internal Disposition: This is an optional field and not used as an input to operational batch processing. It will be returned in the batch output if provided.
File Transfer Options: The Enterprise Partner may provide Markaaz with company record files via the channels listed below. SFTP settings are configurable via the EPP.
Field Mapping: The Enterprise Partner shall be required to use the Enterprise Partner Portal (EPP) to perform field mapping and a test file format validation step prior to Markaaz processing the full production file.
Reports: Batch job status and summary reports are made available from the Markaaz EPP. Batch job data results shall be provided via the SFTP batch job output location as specified.
Field Specifications
Field Name | Data Type | Max Length |
dba (doing business as) | string | 200 |
legalName (Company) | string | 1000 |
address (street) | string | 500 |
locality (city) | string | 500 |
region (state) | string | 500 |
postalCode (zip) | string | 200 |
countryCode | string | 2 |
phoneNo | string | 500 |
website | string | |
taxId | string | 100 |
nationalId | string | 500 |
fullName | string | 200 |
Updated 11 months ago