Business Decisioning API


This API utilizes a set of decision parameters set for each partner. The parameters are configurable at the partner portfolio level from within the Markaaz Enterprise Portal.

The decisioning parameters are used to evaluate a business entity based on values specified by the business. For example, if you wish to automate decisions to exclude businesses having an annual sales volume less than $10,000 then that value would be used as a limiting factor and the API would return a decision summary of No (not approved). In addition to the decision summary you can also retrieve the detail data for each data point.


Important Note:

If a specific data field comes back as a null value from the Directory, the decision for that parameter will pass decisioning with the message that a null value cannot be evaluated. We do not fail a business because the data is unavailable. If your business rule wishes to fail decisioning when data is not available, the decision details API provides enough information to allow an "override" as an implementation decision. As a developer, you will need to check the actual value of the decision parameter(s), checking for null, and code accordingly if you choose to fail on null values.

The default values along with all parameter descriptions and data categories are listed below.

Calling the API

The starting point is to use the Markaaz Match API to retrieve the Markaaz ID for a business in the directory. To accomplish this you'll need to provide some information to the Business Info Object in the body of your request. The required fields are legal business name, street address, locality (city), region (state), postal code and a 2 character country code. Once the corresponding Markaaz ID is retrieved it can be used for all subsequent API requests without the need to provide any additional information about the business. You will still have to provide the API key and Partner ID in the headers.

Each API call returns a Markaaz ID and basic business identification object as follows. The Markaaz ID is the unique identifier for a business entry in the Markaaz Directory. The bizInfo response object is the distinctly identifying data for a business entity. Each Verification API will also return the object requested, e.g. firmographic, business health, compliance, diversity or P2B.

   "bizInfo": {  
      "dba": "",  
      "legalName": "",  
      "taxId": "",  
      "nationalId": "",  
      "addresses": [  
          "type": "",  
          "line1": "",  
          "line2": "",  
          "locality": "",  
          "region": "",  
          "country": "",  
          "postalCode": "",  
          "latitude": "",  
          "longitude": "",  
          "businessIndicator": "",  
          "sohoIndicator": ""  
    "decisionDetails": {
      "noOfEmployees": {
        "passed": "Y",
        "reason": "Unable to evaluate on a null actual value",
        "actualValue": null
      "salesVolume": {
        "passed": "Y",
        "reason": "Unable to evaluate on a null actual value",
        "actualValue": null
      "activeBusinessIndicator": {
        "passed": "Y",
        "reason": "Unable to evaluate on a null actual value",
        "actualValue": null
      "markaazFailureRiskScore": {
        "passed": "Y",
        "reason": "Unable to evaluate on a null actual value",
        "actualValue": null
      "markaazCreditRiskScore": {
        "passed": "Y",
        "reason": "Unable to evaluate on a null actual value",
        "actualValue": null
      "markaazGlobalCreditRiskScore": {
        "passed": "Y",
        "reason": "Unable to evaluate on a null actual value",
        "actualValue": null
      "yearsInBusiness": {
        "passed": "Y",
        "reason": "Unable to evaluate on a null actual value",
        "actualValue": null
      "activeSanctions": {
        "passed": "Y",
        "reason": "Passed threshold test",
        "actualValue": 0
      "pep": {
        "passed": "Y",
        "reason": "Passed threshold test",
        "actualValue": 0
      "adverseMedia": {
        "passed": "Y",
        "reason": "Passed threshold test",
        "actualValue": 0
      "adverseInsolvency": {
        "passed": "Y",
        "reason": "Passed threshold test",
        "actualValue": 0
      "activeLawEnforcement": {
        "passed": "N",
        "reason": "Not passed threshold test",
        "actualValue": 1
      "bankruptcy": {
        "passed": "Y",
        "reason": "Unable to evaluate on a null actual value",
        "actualValue": null

Decision parameters for decision approval

FirmographicInitial Value
Minimum Years in Business2 or more
Active Business IndicatorYes
Annual Sales Volume100K or more
Minimum Number of Employees2 or more
HealthInitial Value
Markaaz Failure Risk Score3 or lower
Markaaz Credit Risk Score500 or higher
Markaaz Global Credit Risk Score3 or higher
ComplianceInitial Value
Active Adverse Media1 or more

Categories of decision parameters


Markaaz Match Confidence ScoreGreater than or equal to 8,9,10The Markaaz match confidence score is an analysis of the match confidence level on a 1 to 10 scale. Markaaz Match Confidence is strongest at 10 (representing a very high level of the match on all data elements present) and weakest at 1 (representing a match on Name only).
Years in BusinessYears in Business = Current year - year the business was established.
Active Business IndicatorActive / InactiveIndicates whether the business in the market or out of business now.
Annual Sales VolumeIn thousandsYearly Sales Volume.
Number of EmployeesCountNumber of Employees with the company.

Business health

Business HealthNotesDescription
Business Failure Score9 = High Risk, 1 = Low Risk, 0=BankruptcyThe Business Failure Risk Scoring System is designed to predict the likelihood of a business ceasing operations with a loss to creditors within a 12‐month period. Businesses are assigned a risk rating ranging from 9 to 1 with a zero indicating bankruptcy. A high rating indicates a high likelihood of business failure, and a low rating indicates lower chances of business failure
Business Credit Risk Score103-600 and 0=BankruptcyThe Business Credit Risk score measures the risk of a business becoming severely delinquent within a 12-month period.Businesses are assigned a value ranging from 103 to 600, and zero (0) with high values indicating lower chances of severe delinquency. A score of zero indicates bankruptcy on file.
Markaaz Global Credit Risk ScoreRange of values: 1-55 - Very Low Risk
4 - Low Risk - Default Value
3 - Moderate Risk
2 - High Risk
1 - Very High Risk
A normalized business credit risk score taking into account credit risk scores of varying ranges used globally.
BankruptcyY, "", nullA "Y" indicates there is a history of bankruptcy.


Presence of active sanctionsCountSanctions are restrictive measures imposed by an international body, multilateral agency, or a national government on a regime, organization, or individual.It is by either European Union, the United Nations, the United States Office of Foreign Assets Control and State Department and Her Majesty’s Treasury in the United Kingdom.
Presence of actively exposed political persons 0,1, greater than 1 or N/ACountPEP is any entity that is considered a Politically Exposed Person, from Head of State to Members of Parliament, Members of the Board of State Owned Enterprises or Ambassadors and individuals representing their countries interests abroad.
Presence of active adverse mediaCountEntity that has been reported in global newspapers, news sites or other media as being involved in financial crime.
Presence of active Insolvency reportCountEntity that has been declared as bankrupt or insolvent.
Presence of active law enforcement actionsCountEntity or Principals that has been named in official documentation from Law Enforcement bodies such as the Police or any other agency such as Interpol or the FBI. Also those individuals and entities cited in Court and legal documents of that nature.